Trijaya Network - No.1 Radio for Inspiring News & Life Style

Radio bersifat Audience Selectivity, artinya radio mempunyai pendengar yg spesifik. Dengan demikian pengiklan dapat memilih radio yang programnya cocok dengan pesan iklan yang akan disampaikan, Radio merupakan media intrusif, artinya iklan dapat hadir di tengah siaran tanpa mengakibatkan orang beralih ke siaran lain. Hal ini menyebabkan radio memiliki efektivitas untuk menyela perhatian pendengar dan menciptakan minat. Biaya produksi iklan radio rendah dibandingkan iklan di media lain. Radio dapat mendukung kampanye iklan di media yang lain. Radio merupakan media yang fleksibel dibandingkan media cetak karena dapat dinikmati sambil melakukan kegiatan lain. Radio merupakan media yang tidak musiman. Radio menawarkan peluang kreatif yang unik bagi pembuat iklankarena tidak menyajikan gambar. Radio bermain dalam theater of the mind. Radio bersifat bersifat mobil, artinya dapat dibawa dengan mudah. Radio memiliki jangkauan yang baik di kalangan pedesaan yang umumnya tidak dapat dijangkau oleh kabar.

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Kamis, 03 Desember 2009

Beriklan di Radio

Why Advertise On Radio?

If you are contemplating using radio to deliver your advertising message, we'd like to help you make informed decisions. Here are some of the advantages for using this popular medium.

Radio is considered the "mobile medium."

In-Car Listening Facts:
Arbitron is the ratings firm that surveys and analyzes radio usage. A recent national Arbitron sponsored In-Car Study found that 96% of those who have driven or ridden in a car in the past month have used the car radio. More than 80% of 35-64 year olds say they spend most of their time with radio.

Highlights of the Arbitron National In-Car Study
• Americans are in their cars an average of 15 hours per week, up 14% from 1990 to 2000.
• The average commute to work is now 51 minutes round trip.
• 39% say they spend more time in the car now than a year ago.
• The greatest percentage of increase in time-spent-commuting is often in small and medium size markets.
• In-car listening averages 2 hours and 12 minutes weekdays, and 2 hours and five minutes weekends.
• Men spend more time in cars on weekdays. It's about even between men and women on weekends.
• Since 1999 in-car radio listening has increased.
• 43% say they leave their car radio set to one station.
• Almost all in-car listening is to pre-set stations. People rarely change their pre-sets.

Radio's audience size continues to grow. Not only with in-car listening, but at the office too.

For the advertiser as well as the listener, radio is everywhere reaching virtually everyone.
Radio works 24/7, 365 days a year. Think about it, how many businesses do you visit where a radio is playing>

A distinctly user-friendly medium, radio gives advertisers the speed, flexibility, and immediacy needed to compete and excel in today's highly competitive and oft-times cluttered marketplace.
